I’m in the little room drinking vodka-Kool-aid with Kevin and Laurie and Shane. We’ve got the Ramones’ on and it’s loud. I wonder for a second if it’s tacky that we’re listening to a band that I have a T-shirt on of at the same time?

Who cares. Fuck it. It’s Christmas and the T-shirt was a present from Laurie. We all did gifts, even though I wasn’t sure if I should get something for Shane, since he’s Laurie’s boyfriend and more Kevin’s friend than mine. So we went in together (Kevin & I) and got him the latest copies of NME and Melody Maker since he’s cheap and won’t buy them for himself and just borrows ours all the time and forgets to give them back.

My parents are at some overnight work party of my Dad’s in the mountains, so we don’t have to worry about hiding our drinks or waking them up. Everyone is just going to crash here, but I told Laurie she could absolutely not have sex with Shane in my parents’ house. It’s not that I care so much about the sex itself, but if they do then I have to clean the bed sheets of whatever bed they use and I don’t know how to use the new washer my Dad gave my Mom as an early Christmas present. If anyone ever buys me a washer as a gift I will kill myself. I swear I will. That is not a proper gift.


Image: The Ramones, MTV: Who’s Who in Rock Video, Zomba Books, 1983.

Welcome to the Little Room is a series of 250-word re-imagined vignettes from my ’80s youth with a focus on music and style. It appears weekly on periodicult.com.

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