And so it goes. Today marks the last day of the Periodicult blog. It’s been great fun and an exercise...
The most unforgettable women in the world wear Revlon. That was beauty brand’s slogan in the 1980s and it would...
’80s Party Dresses
I was 14 when I bought my first party dress — it was black and white, sleeveless, with a drop-waist...
Escada was everywhere in the 1980s, with ads in all the big fashion magazines, and cordoned off in special boutiques...
The Awful ’80s
I’m the first one the defend ’80s fashion, to write about all the good stuff. But that doesn’t mean I’m...
Lacy Ladies
Perhaps only second to taffeta, lace was one of the top fabrics in the 1980s. All the big designers used...
My First Warhol (Book, That is)
Warhol By Carter Ratcliff Abbeville Press, 130 pages, 1983 My fascination with Andy Warhol began in junior high, in the...
I’m the The Lady in Red
Laurie was like, “I told you so, I told you so,” all the way home from the Christmas dance. She’s...